Lite söt fakta om några Cyrus medlemmar
Texas T or Tex
Var illa behandlad innan Cyrus familjen tog honom
Billy Ray's favourite dog
Blir upprör när du ropar hans namn som han inte gillar
Noahs favorithund
Bor i Nashville
Hennes mamma var illa behandlad
Bodde på gatan innan Cyrus familjen hittade henne
Döpt efter Juicy Couture
Älskar att sova
Rodeo or Roadie
Miley behövde ha en efter sett sin assistent med en
Köpt från Bowling Green, KY(Julen 2007)
Mileys 16års present
Mileys farfar hade en hund som hette sophie
Miley gav honom till Emily Grace Reaves (Noah's BFF)
Det jga har vetat hela tiden är nu framme.
Mileys första mening till Nick Jonas var...
Sweet! Några hemmavideos från när miley var mellan 2-5 år
Mileys pojkvänner
Nästa var Thomas
Tredje var Nick Jonas
Fjärde var Justin Ghaston
Och nuvarande är Liam! Gillar honom mest av alla killar...
Naw! Söta Miley och Mate on set
"I fell for Liam the first day"
Vad är det mest romantiska någon kan göra?
'When it's something special or creative.. I'm not hokey, like whatever, dinner on the beach, I'm not like that, I'm not super gushy, I'm a little bit of a tomboy that way
Miley om Liam:
'I fell for Liam the first day [Kissing] in the water. We definitely had a cool connection. We were definitely in tune with each other.'
Liam om Miley:
'She was just so normal. She didn't act like she was the biggest pop star in the world.'
'She's got such a big heart and [is] just so open. We always got along really well. We feel very strongly about each other.'
' Hon har ett sånt stort hjärta och är bara så öppen. Vi kom alltid överens väldigt bra. Vi känner väldigt starkt för varandra'
Emily Osment "This is what I work with"
Vilken tur Osment har som får jobba med en sån snygg tjej. Skulle göra mycket för det!
Liam snackar om Miley
She's got a few new songs coming out that are really, really good. I can't tell you the names, but her new stuff is amazing
Lagar du mat åt Miley?
My best recipe is meat pies. When we're in Australia there are these macaroni and cheese pies that I've introduced Miley to. I've cooked those a few times for her.
Miley: Hi Noah, hi honey look at me! What's your favorite thing about your sister? I'm wanna ask that question.
(Hej Noah, hej älskling, titta på mig! Vad är din favorit sak om din syster? Jag vill fråga den frågar)
Noah: Uhm... (Slår ut med händerna) Everything!
(Uhm.. Allting)
Miley: Aha! What's your favorite thing about my outfit today?
(Jaha! Wad är din favorit sak med mina kläder idag?)
Noah: The little
(de små) Se dem små sakerna på bilden under
Noah: So , What was your favorite part of gettin away from home?
(Så, vad var din favorit del med att komma iväg hemifrån?)
Miley: Hmm... Gettin' away from you for 3 moths, just kidding!
(Komma iväg från dig för tre månader, skoja bara!)
Noah: I was there!
(Jag var där!)
Miley: Oh yeah, Hahaha (skrattar) Uhm...
(Åh ja, hahaha... hmm)
Noah: I broke the elevator, remember?
(Jag gjorde sönder hissen, kommer du ihåg?)
Miley: I know, being on the beach all the time! And jetskiing with you!
(Jag vet, vara på stranden hela tiden. Och åka jetskii med dig)
Miley och Noah: I love you!
Miley och Liam: Snälla läs! ganska roligt
Miley: I don't know if I could choose one, but maybe the biggest one... Oh! Now I know! Liam has a real problem, Liam , I know he is really cute but he has a picking-his-nose-problem. His finger will be litterly in his brain.
Miley berättar också att hon gillade att spela in The last song lite mer än Hannah Montana.
Miley frågar Liam (fråga från ett fan): You seem very athletic in this movie. Did you play sports in High school?
Liam: I grew up surfing, so surfing was my main sport. I used to play fotball.
Liam: Miley What would you say, you learnd from me during filming "The last song"?
Miley: Proably just what not to do on a film, and how to seem professional.
Miley: Liam, what is your favorite Miley song and would you be able too sing a bit for us? And do the dance do the dance to "Party in the usa, please! (Miley skrattar... Skadeglädje)´
Liam: Uhm, "Party in the USA". (Sjunger) 'yea, yea , yea party in the USA'
Miley: No no, you have to do 'Noddin' my head.' DO it!
Liam: 'Noddin my head like yea' (Röd i ansiktet =)
Liam (fråga från ett fan): After reading the book I discoverd that Nicholas Sparks actually wrote the screenplay for you and you picked the name Ronnie. Why did you pick that name?
Smiley: Because my grandads name Ronald.
Liam: Oh, I don't think I knew that.
Miley: You didn't? Cuz i said that on like 25 interweiws, didn't you listen what I told?
Liam: Didn't listen (skrattar)
Miley: Ok babe, We made pancakes the other day, what do you really think about the stuff that I make? Do you really hate my cooking like you say, or are you just trying to be cute?
Liam (Ler): Uhm... (Miley kommer för att avbryta) Liam: Wait, Wait! Hold on a tick. You wasn't making pancakes , really you sprayed it out of a can into a pan.
Miley (Entusiastisk): Was it good tho???
Liam: Yeah but... (miley avbryter)
Miley: Do we have to eat out ALWAYS because you hate everythink I make?
Liam: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...
Miley: Come on! Stop Yeahing!
Liam: Uhm.. You, you warm things up really well.
Miley och Liam hade iallafall en rolig stund tillsammans när de fick fråga varandra roliga och vissa pinsamma frågor. Både var skadeglada åt vad den andra fick för frågor ibland. Miley älskade när Liam skulle sjunga "Party in the USA" för halva jordklotet, Liam gjorde inte det.
FinallyBläddra längst ner så ser du en video med Miley och Noah efter the veiw!
En video efter The Veiw, där Noah berättar om när hon träffade Justin.
Miley tog bort sinm twitter pga...
Om Country musik, blädra ner om ni vill läsa om Twitter
'It scares me.. It feels contrived on so many levels. Unless you're wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots and singing and whining about your girlfriend or boyfriend leaving you it's not going to sell. I think that's why my dad finally got out of it. You have to wear those cowboy boots and be sweet as pie. It makes me nervous, the politics of it all.'
Stackars Miley! Varför hon tog bort sin twitter:
'There has been so much controversy sometimes about what I've said or done because I believe there are no mistakes, because God is the only one who can judge us. That's the reason I deleted my Twitter account because I said on there that I believed in gay marriage because everyone should have the right to love each other, and I got such hate mail about my being a bad person
Liam's föräldrar gillade Miley!
'Yeah, they loved her. It was really cool to show Miley where I'm from and how I grew up, and it's a completely different world to where she's from. We don't have shopping centers or traffic lights or anything like that, where I live at least.'
Miley säger att hon gillar Austariens media mer, för att de håller sej på avstånd
'It was awesome, I really like Australia. You know what? The media's really cool there, too. Even though there's paparazzi, they kind of stay their distance; it was kind of like Nashville by the sea actually, the town he's from.'
The BEACH GIRLS 5 "Unbreakable"
Youtube, anybody?
Snälla om ni är medlem på youtube kommentera då henne!!!TACK!