Is Justin over Miley? Är Justin över Miley? Haha!!!
English: HAHA! You have to check out the video!
Miley "I stand up for my friends!"
'I stand up for my friends!' Miley ignorerar alla negativa människor: 'I won't even pick up the phone because I don't want to be part of it.'
This picture a made on a few sec, I think I got the most of Mileys friends and her family. No, In second thought, I didn't get a lot of them but this is the most famous ones.
Demi and Miley has now the same tattoo
MIAM! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I also made a picture with them, I hope you like it. Click on it and is will get bigger. Liam and Miley fits so great together and I think Liam is the best boyfriend Miley has ever had! You can see it in her eyes that she loves him.
Idag fyller det mest fantastiska paret ett år... MIAM! GRATTIS MILEY OCH LIAM! Hoppas ni har en fantastisk dag tillsammans! I♥U!
Gjorde ett litet kollage med dem, klicka på bilden så blir den större. Gud Miley passar så bra med Liam! Han är den bästa pojkvännen Miley haft tycker jag!
Hoppas ni gillar bilden! xoxo!
Busringde till Miley kl 3 på morgonen
— Han busringde och tänkte inte på tidsskillnaden, klockan var tre på morgonen. Jag var redo att mörda! Han bara fortsatte att ringa!
Miley berättar att hon först trodde att det var någon som hon inte kände som hade fått tag på hennes nummer.
— Jag bytte nummer, men han bara fortsatta ringa. Jag trodde verkligen att det var någon liten unge som hade fått tag på mitt nummer och ville därför inte skälla ut honom.
Men till slut fick sångerskan nog:
— Jag skrek: ”Klockan är tre på morgonen!”. Han svarade typ ”Ha ha ha, det är Bieber. Ring mig sen”.
Miley och Justin var nyligen ute på en affärsmiddag tillsammans för att diskutera ett eventuellt samarbete, men dessa planer ligger nu pyrt till.
— Min lillasyster älskar honom, men jag ska mörda honom, säger en hämndlysten Miley i intervjun.
English: So sweet, I've missed them toghether. Miley looks so happy with him, that's why I love Liam. On all the pics with Miley and Nich J you can see that it's just a crush, but with Liam it's real! Ok, Mileys doesn't
smile on every picture, but you can see it in her eyes if she's happy and that she has missed him a lot. Who do you like the most, Miam or Niley? (I love Miam!!!)
![Miley Poses W/ Kenny Rogers Dolly Parton Miley Poses W/ Kenny Rogers Dolly Parton](
MANDY JIROUX ÄR TILLBAKA I MILEYS LIV. Miley och Mandy är verkligen BFF de är som piff o puff. Miley ser också strålande glad ut på bilderna där hon står tillsammans med Mandy. Mandys twitter finns först i inlägget där står det att hon var på sushi date med Miles (MILEY) och att hon har saknat henne.
Vad tycket ni om Mandys återkomst? Är det inte fantastiskt.
“Miley has been in the spotlight longer thatn I have, so I go to her. I can text her that I’m crying and stressed out, and she’ll reply back: ‘All right, here’s what you do.’ She’s the sweetest thing in the world.”
Visste ni att...
What I love about him is that he's not an actor that also wants to have a record deal and clothing line and all that stuff. I know I do that, but it's because music is on my show and it's how I.. started. Not everybody has to have an album if they're going to be an actor. Y'know, let's just stick to one thing that you're good at. That's what I like, he didn't try to show off. He was like, 'Dude, I'm not trying to be a singer, I'm trying to be funny in the movie!
Miley Cyrus talking about Nicj Jonas (Prince Charming)
Miley när hon träffade Nick J: I remember the exact date, June 11 2006. It was the day I met my first love. Let’s call him Prince Charming. I don’t want to use his name because this isn’t about who he is or what I meant to him. It’s about how I felt and what our relationship meant to me. Know what I mean?
So we were at this benefit, and I didn’t know anything about this prince, except I knew from a friend that he thought I was pretty. He came up to me with a bunch of guy friends and introduced himself. Instantly, I wanted them all to go away just to be with him. He started to shake my hand, and I said “I don’t do handshakes, I do hugs.” When he hugged me, I noticed his scratchy shirt and I blurted out: “I hate your shirt!” So that was the first thing I said to him: “I hate your shirt.”
I had an insta-crush, so what do I do? Did I act smooth? Nope! I asked him to do karaoke with me and put our names down for “I Wanna Be Like You” from the Jungle Book. It would have been a funny, silly song to do together. But when the song came on, I couldn’t find him, so I had to do it all by myself. Let’s say people were laughing at me, not with me.
He really was my Prince Charming, and I knew it right away. You should have seen the sappy smile on my face when I hung up the phone that first night. I was mush. I slept holding the phone close to my cheek as if it would keep him close. From the very beginning, we were best friends. We talked all the time. He lived on the East Coast, but would fly to Los Angeles, and i’d see him when I was in New York. Then he moved to L.A, to a house, get this, a few blocks from mine, and everything got more intense and more fun. Suddenly, we were neighbors. It felt natural and so easy. He’d ask me to come over at five in the morning to say Hi before I went to work, and i’d just walk down the street.
Wow! I was so in love. Do you know what i’m talking about? The kind of love where the sun could shine or not shine all day long and you wouldn’t care. The kind of love that makes you want to jump in the pool in December. The kind of love that makes you want to dance in the rain. (Who am I kidding? This is L.A. It never rains!) This was the most magical journey of my life and it was a total rush.
The last time I saw Prince Charming, we hugged. I closed my eyes for a moment. It was a strange hug, but I did not want to let go. In that moment, I wanted to imagine that it was two years ago, and things were the way they used to be.
Miley och Liam 70's hetaste par
Miley om Nick J:
I remember the exact date, June 11 2006. It was the day I met my first love. Let’s call him Prince Charming. I don’t want to use his name because this isn’t about who he is or what I meant to him. It’s about how I felt and what our relationship meant to me. Know what I mean?
So we were at this benefit, and I didn’t know anything about this prince, except I knew from a friend that he thought I was pretty. He came up to me with a bunch of guy friends and introduced himself. Instantly, I wanted them all to go away just to be with him. He started to shake my hand, and I said “I don’t do handshakes, I do hugs.” When he hugged me, I noticed his scratchy shirt and I blurted out: “I hate your shirt!” So that was the first thing I said to him: “I hate your shirt."
I had an insta-crush, so what do I do? Did I act smooth? Nope! I asked him to do karaoke with me and put our names down for “I Wanna Be Like You” from the Jungle Book. It would have been a funny, silly song to do together. But when the song came on, I couldn’t find him, so I had to do it all by myself. Let’s say people were laughing at me, not with me
He really was my Prince Charming, and I knew it right away. You should have seen the sappy smile on my face when I hung up the phone that first night. I was mush. I slept holding the phone close to my cheek as if it would keep him close.
The last time I saw Prince Charming, we hugged. I closed my eyes for a moment. It was a strange hug, but I did not want to let go. In that moment, I wanted to imagine that it was two years ago, and things were the way they used to be.
Källa: Miles to go
Klubb-monsterna är tillbaka! Stackars Miley och Liam. Paparazzi överallt
från :
Miley är flexibel!
Lyssnar han på Mileys musik när han tränar? Jadå:
'She'll sneak in there every now and then. 'The Climb' is good or 'Party in the USA.' Even better, I will just get her to sing to me while I work out!
1999 och 1997, lilla söta Smiley
Folk skrattar åt henne! Hon är jättesöt!
Här är ett klipp med Braison, Miley och Billy Ray.
Miley är så gullig "I'm not afraid of nothing" säger hon med sin gulliga dialekt!!!!