Mi-blog "TCA"
Mileys blogg
Posted on Jun 14, 2010
Thank you guys so much for nominating me again for TCA! Voting has started so please start voting! If anyone can make this dream come true it is you guys! It would be so amazing to win something for the Last Song! Tomorrow is me and Liams 1 year anniversary so this is super cool timing! Thank you guys so much for getting me nominated in such cool categories!
Skriven den 14 Juni 2010
Tack allihopa så mycket för att ni nominerade mig igen för TCA! Röstningen har börjat så snälla börja rösta! Ifall någon kan göra den här drömmen sann är det ni! Det skulle vara fantastiskt att vinna något för The last song! Imorgon är min och Liams 1 årsdag så det är supercool timing! Tack allihop för att nominerat mig till så coola categorier!
Mi-blog "Beautiful Day"
What a beautiful day! Went to the park with my 2 best friends, Mate and Liam and then had an awesome lunch @ Panera! I am obsessed with their bbq chicken salad! I amt he happiest girl in the world today! Getting to spend time just enjoying life while counting down the days to my album releasing on the 21st! God is sooooo good! Xo
Mi-blog "Meetings!"
Hey guys! Just wanted to check in and let yall know I love you! I’m back home now and it feels so good to feel that Cali sun! Since I’ve been home I’ve been doing a lot of meetings talking about some future projects. I’m super excited for this new chapter of my life to begin! Thank you guys for giving me the opportunity to do what I love. I live to entertain and yall are an amazing audience! Love you! X M
Hi Get Ur Good On community!!!! I’m really excited about the great things I have coming up this summer. And one thing I’m really excited about is helping Lizzie Bell spread the word about World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) on June 14th. Lizzie and I are both Red Cross Ambassadors and we are encouraging anyone over the age of 17 that can donate blood to donate on June 14th. If you’re not old enough to donate, please ask people you know that are old enough to donate blood on WBDD. Take a look at the Good Projects page to watch Lizzie’s video and learn more about World Blood Donor Day. I know we can make this the biggest WBDD ever!
Fri, Jun 4, 2010
To all my fans,
Thank you for all the support you all show me. Sometimes youre the
only thing keepin’ me goin’ strong!
There are so many people out there that are so negative and always
causing new issues.
I feel like the entertainment industry has become nothing but a
disgusting tabloid.
I performed Cant Be Tamed this week on one of my favorite shows here
in the UK Britians Got Talent. Which is totally true, there were some
amazinnnggg acts (but of course no one could focus on that.)
I had such a blast and was so honored to be on that stage. That being
said during my performance I supposedly “KISSED A GIRL” and this is
the newest thing to cause controversy.
I promise you I did not kiss her and it is ridiculous that two
entertainers cant even rock out with each other without the media
making it some type of story. I really hope my fans…(Read more…)
Fri, Jun 4, 2010
Just wanna clear up a rumor. Liam and I did not break. EVER! We are so happy and a lot of that has to do with the amazing relationship he has with my family. We are both so busy right now, so having them by our side supporting us and our career is such a blessing! So any type of rumor that said there was drama with them is completely false. Thanks for letting me clear that up.
Tue, Jun 1, 2010
So sad to leave Paris already! I didn’t even get to be here 24 hours! I swear I have some of the best fans in the world right here in Paris! Out of all the cities I’ve been to I think this crowd has been the loudest and has had the most energy! London has some competition! See ya guys in a few hours! So excited for England! X M
Mi-blog "Lisbon/youtube
Hey guys! Landed in Lisbon this morning and its soooo cool! I’m already having so much fun:) Make sure you check out my youtube account mcforrealzzz to see my new video that I put up. I made a little slide show from my family vacation is Cabo! Love ya! X M
MI_BLOG "Frank and derol"
So excited for Brandi! Her band Frank and Derol have so many cool shows lined up! I am so proud of her! If ya want you can check em out!
Fri 5/28th San Diego, CA at the Epicentre and 5/30 Anaheim, CA at Chain Reaction both with Windsor Drive and 6/13 Hollywood, CA at The Roxy with Drake Bell
Svenska: Så exalterad för Brandi! Hennes band "Frank and derol" har så mycket coola shower på g! Jag är så stolt över henne! Ifall du will kolla in dem:
Fri 5/28th San Diego, CA at the Epicentre and 5/30 Anaheim, CA at Chain Reaction both with Windsor Drive and 6/13 Hollywood, CA at The Roxy with Drake Bell
Posted on May 24, 2010
Today I came across a fan site called Mileycyrus.bz and I just wanna personally thank these amazing people for all the time and effort they put into this page! It is very well updated and so beautifully done. There are so many sites out there that just wanna bring me down and its so great to have pages building me up and showing this massive amount of love and support! Thank you guys! Love, M!
Ps. Här är fodralet till Icbt edition
Posted on May 18, 2010
Yo! Today is the best day ever!!! Can’t be tamed came out on iTunes today and later tonight I’m performing live on Dancing with the stars! People are giving me crazy looks traveling around with this dang birdcage! Haha! Love yall! Xo
Posted on May 18, 2010
Soooo excited! Not only am I hosting Much Music Video Awards which is such an honor I am also nominated! Thank you guys so much! Vote Vote Vote! I love you all! Xoxox!
Posted on May 19, 2010
Thank you guys so much! Can’t be tamed is 1# on iTunes! You guys are sooo amazing! I’m going down to the studio tonight to celebrate the success with my Rock Mafia family!!!! We are all so proud of this song and we are so happy yall like it! Loveeeeeee!!!!! M
mi-blogMI-BLOG: YHA
Omg. Liam just thanked me in his speech for his Young Hollywood Award. I haven’t stopped smiling. It is so nice to see someone who I care about so much succeed and his work be appreciated. :) yayy!
We just had our final HM table read. Wow. I can’t believe it is coming to an end. I started this show as a 12 year old girl from Nashville with dreams bigger than I could handle alone! I am so blessed to have had Disney take me under their wing and lead me to where I am today! The producers, writers, cast, and crew have been my rock for the last 5 years. Knowing I won’t see them everyday is really hard wrap my head around. I’ve had the same routine since 7th grade and I will be graduating at the end of this year. Every day I have school with Emily, lunch with Jason, Moises and I play with the dogs, and I get to work with all of these people that I love so much. Wow. Wow. Wow. All of this is just beginning to sink in. I will miss Hannah Montana so much. :(
Mi-blog; MOMMYS DAY!
Just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to all the awesome moms out there! I am so happy I’m able to spend time with my mama today and celebrate how blessed I am to have her in my life! Xo
Mi-blog : E!
Thank you so much to everyone who checked out my new music video on E last night! You guys are the best! I love you!
Tamed video tonight! Mi-blog
Oh my goodness! I can’t believe its here! My music video “Can’t be tamed” premiers on E! News tonight! I’m so excited for yall to see it! Ahhh! Xo
MI-BLOG: New album!
Sitting in my studio listening to my new record I can’t be tamed! Its all finished now and I am so excited for you to hear it. This is as close to my heart as anyone could ever get. I am sooo happy :)
I can’t be tamed got released today! I am so excited! Hope yall like it!!!! Love you!!!!
ÅHH, Jag älskar låten.
Sedan vill jag bara säga förlåt till mileycyruz.blogg.se, det blev ett missförstånd, jag är jätteledsen.
Posted on Apr 28, 2010
Hey guys! I made my own youtube account so I can upload more videos for yall! I will continue to do videos for Mworld but for some reason its not working on my computer right now! I’m gonna make my youtube account more for my older fans and then do constant updates for my younger fans on Mileyworld! My youtube account is Youtube/MCFORREALZZZ! I have uploaded any videos yet but I will soon! love you guys! Hope all is well! Xo
Lil old Miley!
MI-BLOG och Emily osments twitter
Mi-blog igår:
At the HM set! This morning was our 3rd to last episode! So crazy! Time flies!
In this scene Ems is supposed to be on her lap top so we were sitting on photo booth taking pics for her twitter! After a while the director realized I was there and was like “uhh Miley you’re not even in this scene!” Classic!
Anyway thank you guys for making the show what it is! We have a wonderful time working on it! Its so weird its coming to an end!
Love yall!
Emily Osment ser väldigt bra ut på bilden. Miley me såklart.
24 april 2010 "Hey everyone" (Mi-blog)