"I fell for Liam the first day"

Vad är det mest romantiska någon kan göra?

'When it's something special or creative.. I'm not hokey, like whatever, dinner on the beach, I'm not like that, I'm not super gushy, I'm a little bit of a tomboy that way

Miley om Liam:

 'I fell for Liam the first day [Kissing] in the water. We definitely had a cool connection. We were definitely in tune with each other.'

Liam om Miley:

'She was just so normal. She didn't act like she was the biggest pop star in the world.'

Postat av: Anonym

sv. åhh tack ;) Är du också intresserad så kolla i menyn ! Kram

2010-04-06 @ 10:32:55
URL: http://torpenbergs.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

SV: hon har en blackberry och har haft det i typ 2 år :). Men hon byter typ skalet hela tiden

2010-04-06 @ 20:40:04
URL: http://mileyraycyrus.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Amii


fin blogg!

den e skitbra!

2010-04-06 @ 21:33:54
URL: http://justchicit.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

naaw :)

2010-04-06 @ 22:09:38
URL: http://torpenbergs.blogg.se/

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