Svar på kommentaren av Lala om

asså det är ju på skämt ! snälla säg att du förstod det när du laddade upp klippet ? :O

Svar: Såklart jag förstod det. Men det var ändå lite kul att lägga upp klippet eftersom Justin har varit anklagad för att inte vara över Miley (Vilket han inte är helt). Så då måste de tyckt att det var roligt att göra en liten parodi på det.


Svenska: Bobby Coleman (Jonah från The last song) har en liten rundtur på Tybee Island (Inspelningsplatsen av Tls.) Roligt och sött klipp. Älskar Bobby ( Mest för hans roll i The last song. En av mina favoritböcker)

English: Hang out with Bobby Coleman (Jonah from the last song). This is a funny and sweet clip. I love Bobby (Most because of his character in Tls, it's one of my favorite books.)


check out:


Svenska: Här är en ny bild från "I can't be tamed" photoshooten. Bilden är i EXTREMT dålig kvalite men kommer komma i bättre.

English: Here's a new picture from the "I can't be tamed photoshoot. The pic is in EXTREMLY bad quality but are comming in a better quality later.


Har gjort ett collage med Miley-baby-bilder. Hon är så söt. vissa bilder är lite sälsynta så det är därför jag har skrivit min länk över hela bilden. Men om ni vill ha någon bild är det bara att mejla mig på: [email protected]

Ps. Vissa bilder har jag klippt om och förminskat. Detta är inte alls hälften av mina baby bilder på Miley.

English: Hello! I've made a picture with baby Miley pics. Some pictures are pretty rare so please email me if you want one of them.  here's my address [email protected]

PS. The pictures are bigger in reality.


Miley: Thank you to all my Australian fans for making my latest album Can't Be Tamed a certifed GOLD album!!

Miles & Braison

Miles & Braison:

Svenska: Här är en ny bild från när Miley har tagit en paus från att spela in LOL. En söt webcam bild med Braison

English: Here's a new webcam picture with Miles and her little bro Braison. Miley's taking a paus from filming LOL.

Demi moore twitter pictures

Miley Cyrus Demi Moore & Marlo Twit PicMiley Cyrus Demi Moore In The Moment


Svenska: När jag och Liam gick till Jimmy Kimmel Live, så kom några tjejer fram. Jag sa "Hej, vill ni ha min autograf?" och de sa "ehh... NEJ! Vi är här för Liam." Det är så otrevligt att säga så till någons flickvän! Så sa en av dem " Liam är så het, varför är han med henne?" Tjejer kan vara elaka när det kommer till killar. Liam är den beskydande typen, när jag filmade Can't be tamed videon bad han mig att klä på mig när vi inte filmade. Jag sa "Nej! Din tröja var av i "The last song" och alla tjejer flämtade när du visades på duken"

Taskiga tjejer, stackars Miley!

English: 'When we went on Jimmy Kimmel Live some girls walked over, I was like 'Hey do you want my autograph?' and they said 'er.. no!' we're here for Liam' That's so rude to say that to his girlfriend! Then one of them said, 'Liam's hot why is he with her?' Girls can be evil when it comes to guys. Liam is the protective type, though. When I was shooting the Can't Be Tamed video he asked me to cover up when we stopped rolling. I said ' No! your shirt was off for all of The Last Song and all the girls gasped when you came on the screen'

MEAN GIRLS! poor Miley


SVENSKA: Miley ska kanske vara med i filmen "The Family bond". Det är en äventyrsfilm av Jeff Lowell som också har skrivit "John Tucker Must Die". 

Filmen kommer 2011 och den handlar om en tonårstjej, spelad av Miley, som upptäcker att hennes pappa är en CIA agent samtidigt som hon letar efter sin mamma som nyligen blev kidnappad!

ENGLISH: Universal has made a new movie called "The family bond"It's an adventuremovie by Jeff Lowell who also have written "Jhon Tucker must die". Movie will debut in 2011 and is about a teen girl, played by Miley, who discovers that her father is a CIA agent while she is searching for her mother who was recently kidnapped.

Is Justin over Miley? Är Justin över Miley? Haha!!!

Svenska: Här är en video med Miley's ex-pojkvän Justin Ghaston där de pratar om att han är över Miley. Haha! Klippet är så BÄST! Haha, hans ringsignal är "Party in the usa" och han har bilder på Miley överallt i rummet!

English: HAHA! You have to check out the video! 


Svenska: Här är en ny bild på Miley när hon filmar LOL

English: Here's a new picture of Miley filming LOL.

SVAR På frågestunden (No english translation)

Hät kommer svaren på frågestunden

Vad lyssnar du på förutom Miley?

Lite allt möjligt. Just nu lyssnar jag mycket på "Bad reputation", "I hate myself for lovin' you" och "I love rock'n roll" med Joan Jett. Plus "Cherry bomb" och "I love playin' with fire" med The Runaways och Demi Lovato's skiva "Here we go again". 

Av Anonym: Varför skriver du allt på engelska, de gör bloggen bara sämre!!!

Hej :) Skriver på engelska för att det är roligt, men nu har jag börjat men att både skriva på svenska och engelska. Så i fortsättningen kommer jag bl a skriva på svenska.

Va gillar du bäst med Miley???

Ehm.... Allt. Gills det som svar- Nej, kanske för att hon är en bra artist och skådis och att har en bra personlighet. (ok, Det var inte en sak)

Undrade jag läste en annan miley blogg där står det att Mileys mamma dog när hon var barn.
Är det sant ? konstig fråga kanske men du är ju miley fan så bäst jag frågar dig.

Nej, Mileys mamma är fullt levande! Här är en bild på dem tillsammans:

1. Hur gör du dina designer så bra??
2. Varför är du så snäll??

Tack! Tack! Tack! Jag är snäll för att... Hmm... Jag vill inte vara dum?
Roligt att du tycker mina designer är fina. När jag gör dem brukar jag ta inspiration från massa olika sidor, men det jag tänker på mest är att ha mycket detaljer. Tack så mycket, du är också jättesnäll

1. Hur gammal är du?

2. Vad vill du bli när du blir äldre?

3. Föredrar du Justin Bieber eller Miley Cyrus? :D

MILEY SÅKLART!!!!! Gillar inte Bieber's musik så mycket. När jag blir äldre vill jag kanske bli skåderspelare eller starta ett band, men eftersom sådana drömmar nästan aldrig slår in så vill jag bli kanske webdesigner. Min ålder.. Ja du!

varför började du skriva om Miley & när ?

Började skriva om Miley för ca 5 månader sedan. Jag började skriva om henne eftersom hon har alltid varit en del av min vardag, först Hannah Montana, sedan hennes skivor och det verkade roligt att ha en hemsida om henne och få dela med mig med betydelsen av Miley med andra fans. 

vilken är din favorit låt av Miley ?

Väldigt svårt... Kanske... The climb (INte säker)

vad är din favorit låt ( från varje skiva) från Can't be Tamed, Breakout och Meet Miley Cyrus?

Can't be tamed: Every rose has it's thorn, two more lonley people, Liberty walk, My heart beats for love och stay.

The time of out lives: When I look at you, The climb, party in the usa.

Breakout: These four walls, The driveway, Full circle, wake up america mm.

Meet Miley Cyrus: Good and broken och Right here

HI im a big fan of miley and i want to ask : will miley ever come to sweden??

Maybe. Hon har en turne i May 2011 så KANSKE då. Men inget säkert eller planerat.

Hur länge har du gillat Miley? =)

Sedan första sesongen av Hannah Montana började :)

Hannah Montana Forever: De-Do.. Da-Don't ..Tell My Secret

English: Here's a new Hannah clip. I haven't looked at it cuz I wanna see it on TV instead. So comment if it's good

Svenska: Här är ett nytt klipp från Hannah Montana forever.

MILEYS NEW TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miley are going to have a tour May 2011, can't wait!

Svenska: Miley kommer att ha en till turné i Maj år 2011! Läängtaaar, hoppas hon kommer till sverige

´Btw, glöm inte bort frågestunden

Selena Miley

English: I've have always thought Selena was cute and a nice girl. Sel said this about being compared to Miley.

'I was a guest on her show three years ago. So I'm not sure where this [rumour] has come from. I'm flattered if people say I'm the new Miley, but I'm definitely not trying to be her. I'm just trying to be myself.'

Well, Selena, you should be flattered cuz' being compared to such a beautiful person is special- Miley is special. I'm not a fan of Selly's music but I think she's a great actress.

Svenska: Jag har alltid tyckt Selena har varit en söt och snäll tjej- Hur som helst, Selena sa det här om att bli jämförd med Miley.

' Jag var gäst på hennes show för 3 år sedan. Så jag är inte säker på vart det hät (ryktet) kommer ifrån. Jag är smickrad ifall folk säger att jag är den nya Miley, men jag försöker verkligen inte vara henne. Jag försöker bara vara mig själv"

Ja, Selena borde vara smickrad om folk säger att hon är nya Miley. Miley är en sån vacker person- både på insidan och utsidan. Jag är inget fan av Sel's musik men hon är en bra skådespelerska.


Hi! Now you can ask me anything. Har en liten frågestund! SO ASK ASK ASK! Promise to answer (Except if you want to know which street I live on and what the code to my door is, then I only think you're creepy!)
I'm excited to see what you'll ask!


Sweet. Haha, Miley's like
"You can eat as many as you want (Cupcakes)- Oh sorry mom"

MILEYWORLD "LOL Demi and Miley"

June 23 the safest Miley-source in the world, yeah, I'm talking 'bout Mileyworld, vrote a little bit about Miley's new movie called "LOL". Klick on the picture and read. I love Mileyworld. It's a great site. Better than I think.

If you find it hard to read from the picture you can read about it here

This article really made me excited, I can't wait untill the movie comes out! I think it seems great, what do you think? please comment sweethearts! 

Wanna know something fun?
Well, Tish Cyrus (Miley's mom) are one of the prouducers for both "The Last song", Miley cd "Can't be tamed" and are going to prouduce "LOL" , cool!

Hannah Montana "Principal office" new pictures

Here's 11 new medium quality stills from the new Hannah Montana episode called "Principal's office". I like the picture with Miley and Blue jeans (Her horse in "Hannah Montana".) I hope you like the pics. :)))

Old interview that is out NOW!

"The worst is too have wings and not be able to fly!


Hannah  Montana cast talks about "Hannah Montana" ending. 

CAN'T BE TAMED Rock angeles remix


Okay, so, a true Miley-fan sould be able to find at least 4 faults without having an other picture to look at. I must admit tho, one of them is pretty darn hard, well try at least. 3 of them is very obvious.

"She thought Taylor was pretty cool until this happened"

According to Heat Miley is hurt because of Taylors mean comments.

A source told Heat magazine: "Miley is furious - who wouldn't be? She thought Taylor was pretty cool until this happened, which has left her totally confused.
Taylor is so obviously desperate for fame. I mean, she's traipsing around town in her underwear, or is that for the love of the music too?
Miley has always had a lot of talent, and Taylor knows it. Taylor still sees her as a threat, which she is, although they're hardly in the same league.
Miley gets a little risky on stage, but she knows that it's a performance, whereas Taylor doesn't seem to know where to draw the line. It's sad, really."

Miley meets a fan

Olivia (The Miley-fan) isn't so entusiastic at all.


'I get that all the time. I try to look at everything in my life as positive. I can either look at it and say it’s negative, and look at the things she’s done wrong, and say, ‘How can someone compare me to her?'

Or, I could be the positive person and look at all the amazing history that she’s made, and the things that she’s accomplished, and I’ll take it as a compliment. I choose to take it as a compliment.


'Nick Jonas Signed My Miles To Go Book!'

From Carrie: Nick was so nice, before going through the stage door he did his best to meet everybody. He even signed my copy of Miles To Go. It was so funny, I had it open on the Prince Charming chapter & when I gave it to him, he smiled (almost a laugh) shut the book & signed the front cover. I can't believe he smiled at me, WITH TEETH :D

Zac Efron reacts on Miley saying he's hot

Check this clip out! Btw, I'm guestbloging on a friends blog, please check it out :

Miley, Mate and friends out Juli 18

Here is 8 new pictures of Miley, her dog Mate, ASHLEY GRENEE and some friends. They are takeing a break from recording LOL.

Miley recently chatted with POP-STAR magazine about her new moviw wings after her new movie LOL and said:

‘I will still be doing Wings after LOL. Wings will be a movie for my younger fans. I will play a girl named Laurel. It’s really for the younger material. But its going to be fun making it. I’m not sure when we start filming, or when it will be released but I am certain I am still doing this film.’

The movie called LOL, is a french movie which hollywood are doing a version of. you can read about it here


Hi! Here is a list of todays "HI!!!" And "BYE!!!"


1. Miley tattoo "Just breathe". It is a touchy and pretty tattoo (At least if you know it's story). I think it's sweet

2. The way Miley ignores all the negativity and focus on the positive things. It's a sign of strenght, witch Miley has a lot of. 

3.  Whe she says "Sweet nibblets". It's like Mileys own word. SHe is so ´sweet when she says it. Even if you google it you get hits on things like "Why Miley says sweet nibblets".

1. When Miley wears the Hannah-wig. I love her natural hair and she is way more pretty as a brunette. And it hurts to wear the wig Miley said. SO THATS THE FIRST "BYE"

2. I don't know....

3. I have no idea what to write.

-Love is what makes the world go around

There's so much negativity in the world and what you only need to hear is all the love, People try to say to me, ‘I just heard someone say this or that about you,' and I just ignore it because it's irrelevant. Love is what makes the world go around, and that's all we need to focus on.

- Miley Cyrus

7-things I love about Miley

The 7-things I love about Miley

1. Your happy laugh 
2. Your smile that makes everyone else smile!
3. Your crazy style and awesome friends/boyfriend/family
4. How kind you are to the world
5. Your music and movies
6. When you joke :)
7. Everything else that takes too long time to write :)


This photo is fake, a fan made it! But I think it did a good job.

MILEY ON LOL. "I want the fans that have grown up with me from 16-26 who will respond to older material. I have to choose scripts that are right for someone who is 18 because that is me."

Miley on LOL: 'The next film I'm doing is not for the [Hannah Montana] audience. But that is why I did the last season, for my young fans.
I want the fans that have grown up with me from 16-26 who will respond to older material. I have to choose scripts that are right for someone who is 18 because that is me.'

On filming edgy 'LOL' with Demi Moore: 'It's very different going from a show with a huge audience and fan base to something..
..independent. But I'm excited to work on a film that is going to touch people. It's edgy and different and I don't know how the fans will react, but it's something I can relate to.'

When is she going to move inte her new house?: 'I'm probably going to move into my place after LOL. But I have to get some work done first.'

Here is the trailer for the french version of LOL, Miley is going to play Lola:


Now the Miley-hit song "The climb" has one hundred million hits on YOUTUBE! Cool, right?The cd has also sold over two million copies! Congrats Miles! Here is the famous music video:


You should really check out this clip. It's one of Mileys favorite youtube-videos. It's some guys that like Miley who has vrote a rap about her called "Cyrus Virus". They've done a great job on this clip. One guy is a bit disgusting. He's like thirty years old and when he sings "So you can tell Selena and Demi, They're 7-thing except perfect for me" his dance is just to much. Well I hope you like it. 


Svar till: "Your best friend...Y..." som skrev:

Nej! Hoppas du kommer ha det bra! Vi hann tyvärr inte ses! Bajsigt! får ses när du kommer hem. Då får du din present också...Och till läsarna: Visst är hon bäst???!!! Och sluta verkligen inte att läsa! Jag tycker att din borde prenumerera på en sån Toppentjejs blogg. Gör det!

//Hej då! I miss you my best friend! XOXO

Sv: Tack så mycket snart får du din present med, men jag vet inte riktigt när vi kan träffas ännu.
Jag ringer så fort som möjligt. Ps, Jag 4 personer började följa mig via bloglovin' efter det, Tack.


She talks a bit about her new house! 


Hi guys! This year on "Teen choice awards" Miley is nominated for a lot of categories-  And I hope she wins them all, but there's a few categories she MUST win, no matter what! SO VOTE! The categories I think Miley must win is in bold (Fat style (HAHA).)

Choice Movie: Drama
The Blind Side
Dear John
The Last Song
Remember Me
The Runaways

Choice Movie Actress: Drama
Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side
Miley Cyrus, The Last Song
Dakota Fanning, The Runaways
Amanda Seyfried, Dear John
Kristen Stewart, The Runaways

Choice Movie: Dance

Sandra Bullock and Betty White, The Proposal
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, The Last Song
Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man 2
Tina Fey and Steve Carell, Date Night
Michael Jackson, This Is It

Music: Female Artist
Miley Cyrus
Lady Gaga
Taylor Swift

Choice Movie: Liplock
Russell Brand and Jonah Hill, Get Him To The Greek
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, The Proposal
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, The Last Song
Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift, Valentine’s Day
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Choice Movie: Hissy Fit

Jessica Biel, Valentine’s Day
Sean Combs, Get Him To The Greek
Miley Cyrus, The Last Song
Giovanni Ribisi, Avatar
Vince Vaughn, Couples Retreat

Choice Movie: Chemistry
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, The Proposal
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, The Last Song
Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift, Valentine’s Day
Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum, Dear John
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon – Female
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez
Lady Gaga
Eva Longoria Parker
Katy Perry

Choice Celebrity Fashion Line
Sean Jean, Sean “Diddy” Combs
Miley And Max, Miley Cyrus and Max Azria
House Of Harlow, Nicole Richie
L.A.M.B., Gwen Stefani
William Rast, Justin Timberlake

Choice Music: Love Song
When I Look At You, Miley Cyrus
Stay, Nick Jonas And The Administration
Catch Me, Demi Lovato
Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever), Muse
The Only Exception, Paramore

Btw all sweeties out there, could you please do me a favor? Vote on Taylor Lautner for best smile? He is so hot and i really want him to win that category! He deserves that, a hottie like him has to win! He is the hottest guy in the world right now!

(*SIGH* Why is all the hot guys so much older than me?)


Hey look! Who's on 4th place for best pop video? Guess what, Miley Ray Cyrus! Yay, congratulations Miley, you deserve it. The music video to I cant be tamed is awesome so it's definetly no surprise. 

Best Pop Video

Britney Spears – 3
Katy Perry – California Girls
Rihanna – Rude Boy
Miley Cyrus – Can’t Be Tamed

I don't like any of the other music videos.


Hello! I've uploaded 5 new high quality pictures from the Hannah Montana seson four clip "California screamin."
I hope you like them! XOXO!

TAYLOR MOMSEN, You make me wanna die!

Okay, before you read this I have to say: She is the most immature celebrity so far! She is not cool when she says things like that, I don't care that she has a good voice. She shouldn't say these kind of things about Miley when she is so slutty and bad herself.
She smokes, how old is she? Like fifteen/sixteen, or what? She seems to be 11. God, I'm mad right now. In her music video "Pretty recklase- You make me wanna die", she looks like a slut. She should stop judgeing Miley when she is a peice of crap! (Okay I'm overreacting)
Btw: The things she said about Disney, She is proably just jealous on Miley cause Taylor also auoditioned for the Hannah Montana part but faild as soon as Miley stepped into the room.

Taylor Momsen 'I'm not looking to be Miley f**king Cyrus. I don't care about the fame. I do it because I love music. I like making records and if people like them, then we'll go along for the ride. I'm not dissing Miley personally.

However, I do think the Disney bubblegum s**t that the world is living right now is pathetic. I thought we passed that repression. I don't know Miley, but musically we're different. To compare us because of our age is silly'

Miley "I stand up for my friends!"

 'People that are my true friends will say I'm very loyal. I cannot handle it when someone says something about somebody else! It's a waste of time and energy.' 

'I stand up for my friends!' Miley ignorerar alla negativa människor: 'I won't even pick up the phone because I don't want to be part of it.'

This picture a made on a few sec, I think I got the most of Mileys friends and her family. No, In second thought, I didn't get a lot of them but this is the most famous ones.

Miley "I'm gonna miss it a lot"

Heres a new interwiev with E! online

How did you felt about the response to your video?

I've been really proud of It. People have been able to see me through the character I am playing. People can still see who I am.

ABout Hannah Montana ending:

We're all happy too move on to new things and I think we all thinks it's really sad cuz it´has been so huge part of our lives

About Mileys look in the first season:

Ok, I don't even remember looking that way but I was not my cutest!

What can your fans excpect from this last season?

There deffinetly uhm... A little bit of everything. They're going to get Miley Stewart trying to figure out whenever she just want's to be a normal girl, they're going to see if Hannah Montana is really redy to take the wig of and let go of something that has always been a dream.
I'm gonna miss it a lot

ZAC EFRON "She (Miley) is very talented"

It starts at 2:00              


Isn't these pictures so sweet? I love them- unfortunally It's not the kind of pictures I like to make designs with. Well, comment if you like them.
xoxo. So sorry for my break but I was outta town for a week.


Here's some awesome t¨pictures of Miley and Liam at a Sushi-resturant. Or, they are leaving the resturant.
They look so sweet when they are together.



Hej jag ´är tillbaka. Ett inlägg är på g


Im not going to be able to blog on a week, but please dont stop reading this!


These pics are so sweet! Luv them so much. The pictures were taken on Dolly Partons amusement park called "Dollyland". What do you think of these pictures? HOT/NOT? Comment everyone!



Really hannah montana has started making me sick


Advice to a younger self:::

‘I would probably tell myself, ‘Know you are going to have to listen to yourself talk A LOT. I listen to interviews sometimes and say to myself, ‘Miley, what were you thinking? I was probably thinking about something else and on cruise control, and I realize that I never answered the question. ‘Stay focused,’ I would tell myself.’

About Hannah Montana:

‘We want to celebrate it by giving it a really great ending. There have been so many Disney shows and no many of them have great endings. Our show really deserves a big ending because it was the beginning of so many great things for Disney. High School Musical and Hannah Montana really gave Disney Channel the opportunity to move into music organically. I think having a start and a finish to our show will be really cool.

I promised that on the last day all of my directors and producers would wear the Hannah wig. They would always tell me, ‘Stop complaining about the wig. You only have to wear it for twenty minutes today!’ Meanwhile, I’m thinking to myself, ‘YOU don’t have to pull all of your hair up in there and it hurts!’

So I promised I’m going to pin curl their hair and we are going to glue on the wig and they all have to wear the wig all day, all of them! We are also going to make them wear heels, dress as Hannah, and they can’t eat all day because it might ruins their Hannah lipstick!’
Miley Cyrus Flawless Wal-Mart ShopperHere is a new pic of Miley



Another Hannah song. (*SUCK*)

Here is a new Hannah song. I don't like it so much.


I love them so much! They're so sweet! 


Here is the new Music video for the Hannah Montana song called "Ordinary Girl". Oh, I'm so happy Miley has quite Hannah Montana. Whatever, I think the music video was weird and boring, you don't even see Miley! Comment what you thought of it. Ok, I'm going to say one positive thing, Miley sings this song so goood!

Here is two sneak peeks of the new Hannah songs "I'm still good" and "Que Sera".
I didn't like "Que sera" so much, but "I'm still good" is ok. 
Which song did you like the most? comment!


Here is 5 brand new pictures of Miley and Melissa Ordway (Ashley in the last song). I think it's nice that she is hanging out with her The last song co-stars.


Here is an interview with Miley and Billy Ray.

Is it sometimes difficult to just let her (Miley) be?

Billy Ray: You know what? You can only do the best you can do. Everybody makes mistakes, I happen to be really good at misstakes and a lot of times I tell Miley 'Watch what I do and don't do that. So... I'm always there if Miley wants to talk or any of my kids wanna talk. And I play music-bayer or life-bayer I go with what feels right.And with Miley I just tell her 'Do what feels best in your heart and in your mind and what you feel is the right thing to do'.

Like Miley says ' My dad is the poem in this family'. I agree. And the way he talks, he's so calm and just... nice to be around.
After the short interweiw with Billy Ray they continued with Miley.

You were somewhere at the begining of the year. Did you love australia?

Miley: Yeah it's wonderful, I really like the people there. When I got of the plane I was like ' Okey, this is so diffrent from LAX'. I told Liam like 'Everyone is so nice, everyone speaks so nice to me', like offered their help. And it was cool to get away, cuz if you ever been to Nashville it's very much like Nashivlle but by the sea.

Did you see the penguins and...?

Miley: Yeah! You know Liam actually, he gonna kill me, but he used to work like one of the people at the penguin parade thing. One of them who wears that little outfit and that was so funny that he used to work there. Being there with him wasa so funny because he was like 'You can't do this and you should do this' and I was like 'How do you know these stuff?' and he was like 'Oh, I still work here'.


Here is new pictures of Miley and Liam at starbucks July 1st

Miley and Liam July 1st

I've uploaded 6 high quality pictures of Miley and Liam on their way to Heading to Paty’s Diner for Breakfast in Toluca Lake. Miley's dress is so sweet. Today I wish I lived somewere else, on a hot place.
I hope you like the pictures!


Congratulations Miam (Miley and Liam). Cuz they are according to J14 Magazine Miam are americas cutest couple. Sweet! I totally agree!
Do you think Miam is the sweetest couple? Vote. Yes or no. If no, then who do you think is americas sweetest couple?
Vote, Vote, Vote!

Btw, Miley and Billy Ray is going to be guests at Sunrise tomorrow. Check this out!


Here's 4 medium quality pictures of Miley leaving a gym in West hollywood.

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