Jag aldrig sa att jag skulle vara perfekt/I never said I was going to be perfect
Jag satte aldrig riktigt på mig en roll. Jag har alltid varit väldigt ärlig om den jag är. Och ja, jag vill vara en förebild och ha människor som ser upp till mig. Men det betyder inte heller att jag inte kommer att leva som jag vill leva, eller gör det jag tror är rätt."
English: “So I think it has made the transition easier, because I never said I was going to be perfect. I never really put on a persona. I’ve always been really honest about who I am.
And yes, I want to be a role model and have people look up to me. But this also doesn’t mean that I am not going to live the way I want to live, or do what I think is right.”
Taskiga tjejer, stackars Miley!
English: 'When we went on Jimmy Kimmel Live some girls walked over, I was like 'Hey do you want my autograph?' and they said 'er.. no!' we're here for Liam' That's so rude to say that to his girlfriend! Then one of them said, 'Liam's hot why is he with her?' Girls can be evil when it comes to guys. Liam is the protective type, though. When I was shooting the Can't Be Tamed video he asked me to cover up when we stopped rolling. I said ' No! your shirt was off for all of The Last Song and all the girls gasped when you came on the screen'
MEAN GIRLS! poor Miley
Old interview that is out NOW!
Or, I could be the positive person and look at all the amazing history that she’s made, and the things that she’s accomplished, and I’ll take it as a compliment. I choose to take it as a compliment.
She talks a bit about her new house!
Miley "I'm gonna miss it a lot"
How did you felt about the response to your video?
I've been really proud of It. People have been able to see me through the character I am playing. People can still see who I am.
ABout Hannah Montana ending:
We're all happy too move on to new things and I think we all thinks it's really sad cuz it´has been so huge part of our lives
About Mileys look in the first season:
Ok, I don't even remember looking that way but I was not my cutest!
What can your fans excpect from this last season?
There deffinetly uhm... A little bit of everything. They're going to get Miley Stewart trying to figure out whenever she just want's to be a normal girl, they're going to see if Hannah Montana is really redy to take the wig of and let go of something that has always been a dream.
I'm gonna miss it a lot
‘I would probably tell myself, ‘Know you are going to have to listen to yourself talk A LOT. I listen to interviews sometimes and say to myself, ‘Miley, what were you thinking? I was probably thinking about something else and on cruise control, and I realize that I never answered the question. ‘Stay focused,’ I would tell myself.’
About Hannah Montana:
‘We want to celebrate it by giving it a really great ending. There have been so many Disney shows and no many of them have great endings. Our show really deserves a big ending because it was the beginning of so many great things for Disney. High School Musical and Hannah Montana really gave Disney Channel the opportunity to move into music organically. I think having a start and a finish to our show will be really cool.
I promised that on the last day all of my directors and producers would wear the Hannah wig. They would always tell me, ‘Stop complaining about the wig. You only have to wear it for twenty minutes today!’ Meanwhile, I’m thinking to myself, ‘YOU don’t have to pull all of your hair up in there and it hurts!’
So I promised I’m going to pin curl their hair and we are going to glue on the wig and they all have to wear the wig all day, all of them! We are also going to make them wear heels, dress as Hannah, and they can’t eat all day because it might ruins their Hannah lipstick!’Here is a new pic of Miley
Is it sometimes difficult to just let her (Miley) be?
Billy Ray: You know what? You can only do the best you can do. Everybody makes mistakes, I happen to be really good at misstakes and a lot of times I tell Miley 'Watch what I do and don't do that. So... I'm always there if Miley wants to talk or any of my kids wanna talk. And I play music-bayer or life-bayer I go with what feels right.And with Miley I just tell her 'Do what feels best in your heart and in your mind and what you feel is the right thing to do'.
Like Miley says ' My dad is the poem in this family'. I agree. And the way he talks, he's so calm and just... nice to be around.
After the short interweiw with Billy Ray they continued with Miley.
You were somewhere at the begining of the year. Did you love australia?
Miley: Yeah it's wonderful, I really like the people there. When I got of the plane I was like ' Okey, this is so diffrent from LAX'. I told Liam like 'Everyone is so nice, everyone speaks so nice to me', like offered their help. And it was cool to get away, cuz if you ever been to Nashville it's very much like Nashivlle but by the sea.
Did you see the penguins and...?
Miley: Yeah! You know Liam actually, he gonna kill me, but he used to work like one of the people at the penguin parade thing. One of them who wears that little outfit and that was so funny that he used to work there. Being there with him wasa so funny because he was like 'You can't do this and you should do this' and I was like 'How do you know these stuff?' and he was like 'Oh, I still work here'.
"If I ever felt that I was disapointing her and not making her proud I would not do the things I do"
Miley talks about her album I can't be tamed:
"It's all about breaking free and beeing who you are and not be afraid to tel the world to back off sometimes, and do your thing and just do what makes you happy and do what makes you happy.
I don't think this record is too provocative or anything that is too mature for my yoúnger fans. They may not be able to relate to it as much as a fan in my age would be.
I don't really listen to this kinda stuff, we were talking earlyer, litterly our house is only allowed to have 10 channels cause we can't even watch that much tv cause my mom is like *I don't want any of that bullcrap in your mind*. It's nothing that effects you, it's irrelevant to you life. And It's just that people are unsatisfied of what they do, people that are unhappy and have to look at you and say *How can I make this positive moment in their life negative* and it's just kind of a sad way to think 'bout people and how people are. I'll never really let it effect me, It's like whatever. And my mom is always beside of that stage and If I ever felt that I was disapointing her and not making her proud I would not do the things I do, but she is proud of me all the time so..."
Miley is such a sweetheart. Her family is so close and cosy, which is a very good thing but there's always people trying to turn it in to a bad thing and that's just too bad. But you have to ignore those stupid people. I mean, whats wrong about saying "I think my dad is cool". I think it's good that Miley is beeing herself. YOU ROCK MILES!
Love ya and I always will xoxo Miss Z
Miley talks about the Hannah-wig. " I'm not going to burn it, I made a joke!"
‘I’m not going to burn it. I made a joke and people took it very literally and pictured me over my campfire and actually burning my $10,000 wig and Disney’s pride and joy, so I’m not going to do that to people’s dreams.
I was just kidding. I’ll probably keep one and someone will take the other and put it in a museum or something. I’d like to keep one, so if I ever want to do it again, I could.
‘My little sister (Noah) wants to wear it to school the next day, so, yeah, I think she’ll have to have a bodyguard.’
Ha ha, It'll be funny If Noie comes with a 10 000 dollar-wig to school. She must look very sweet in it.
MILEY "I loooove Kristen Stewart"
I don't know if you know that Kristen Stewart listen to your music to get into Bellas character?
Miley: I think that's awesome I'm obviously, I'm not like a twilighter, I've never seen Twilight! So...
You have never seen it!!! Are you kidding me?!
Miley: No I've never seen it so I'm not that like, I'm not that girl. But I loooovee Kristen Stewart and, so I'm a huge fan. I watch her and I'm obsessed with Joan Jett so I love The Runaways. I'm obsessed with Kristen Stewart.
If you don't wan't to read it you can also watch it. I've uploaded one video with Miley Talking about Kristen.
"I listen to The runaways a lot and Nirvana a lot, I don't really listen to pop music."
About her tattoo
"I've had it for a while but no one just notices, It says love. It means, cause it's so much crap that's comming trought my ear all the time, It's like cancel all the negativity and let love going thought mt ear.
"I listen to The runaways a lot and Nirvana a lot, I don't really listen to pop music."
"You can't live guarded, you gotta be free and that's what my life is all about." The 17yearold star says.
Miley at Regis & Kelly
Miley: Yeah, my boyfriend was helping me do it because I'm learning about south africa and I was like *AA!*But my teacher is doing this new approach because she says that every time I see her I run away.
The Late Show with David Letterman
NO! I hate Twitter. Sorry. Twitter hates me too, but it's all right.
What kind of things would you twitter about?
I had a twitter for a little while and the things that I look back at and like, someone was making fun of me for twittering: I lost my lucky bracelet.
Two minutes later: Woho! I found my lucky bracelet! I'm like 'Omg, can I think of something a little bit more intresting to say? You can't have a private life.
Just sitting here talking to you, you don't seem like a 17 year old. Is it's anything you've missed, have you lost a childhood?
I dont think so.
Here's a clip of Miley preforming.
"It's about singing about who I am and not beeing a character anymore"
"You know It's about singing about who I am and not beeing a character anymore and It's the same kind of music that I've always made which is positive, positive music. But it's not about beeing a character it's about beeing completly who I am and it's been very nice beeing able to live like that and prefome that way."
"Du vet, det handlar om att sjunga om vem jag är och att inte vara en karaktär längre. Det är samma sorts music som jag alltid har gjort vilket är positiv musik. Men dat är inte om att vara en annan karaktär det handlar om att vara fullständigt den jag är och har varit väldigt trevligt att kunna leva så och uppträda så."
Om Mileys sexiga dans med TLS producenten:
Miley talks about her sexy dance with the TLS producer:
"People are so quick to judge me and I think Liam said it kind of best i a interweiw when he was like 'It's litterly nothing. If it was really something to be concerned about her boyfriend would have like stepped in'. You know what I'm saying, like Liam is not going to let me get in to trouble. I think the main thing people was saying was inappropriate was cause their kids were there. I just wanna know why their kid was at a wrap party one a clock at the morning."
"Människor är så snabba med att dömma mig och jag tycker Liam sa det bäst i en intervju när han var som 'Det är bokstavligt ingenting. Ifall det verkligen var något att oroa sig för hade hennes pojkvän klivit in'.Du fattar vad jag säger, Liam kommer inte låta mig hamna i trubbel. Jag tror att huvudsaken folk sa att de tyckte var opassande var för att deras barn var där. Jag vill bara veta varför deras barn var på ett
wrap-party klockan ett på morgonen."
Aww, See? That's why I love Liam the most of all guys Miley ever had. He protects her. Ok, I'm sure Nick Jonas wouldn't let her get in to trouble, but if someone asked him: What do you think of Miley's lapdance?
He would have tryed to sneak away instead of beeing there for her. (Sorry Nick)
Naww, ser du? Det är därför jag älskar Liam mest av alla killar Miley någonsin haft. Han skyddar henne. Ok, Jag är säker på att Nick inte heller skulle låtit henne hamna i trubble men om någon frågade honom:
Vad tycker du om Mileys lapdance?
Skulle han ha svarat undvikande istället för att vara där för henne. :(Ledsen Nick)