Miley: To all my fans in the UK

Det var synd att Miley inte kunde flyga till Europa pga den jäkla vulkanen, men söta, rara, snälla Miley skrev en hälsning till sina fans:

Posted on Apr 20, 2010

Hi to all of my fans in the UK, I am so sorry that I was unable to fly to London to be with you all in person at the European premiere of THE LAST SONG, especially as the event is in aid of such a great cause, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity. 

Thank you to everyone who bought tickets to support the appeal to raise money to redevelop the hospital, your contribution means a lot. 

THE LAST SONG is a really important movie to me. It's a story about family, about first loves, second chances and the moments that lead you back home. I know that Liam and our director Julie Ann Robinson are also really disappointed not to be in London with you, especially since Julie Anne has such close ties with the UK and has lots of her friends and family there. 

And to all of my fans in Rome and Munich, I am so sorry I cannot be there with you. I really hope you enjoy the film and I hope to see you soon!

Postat av: jennifer

Tycker det är as synd,stackars dom! :/

Sv; jag får tag på bilderna,från lite blandade sidor. :)Och tack ska du ha! du e skit snäll!

2010-04-21 @ 21:37:29
Postat av: Anonym

Hej :) du var med och tävlade i min tävling om vilka dem två personerna var bakom dem censurerade bilderna.

Tryck här för att se vem som vann:

Släng gärna in en kommentar vad du tyckte om tävlingen :D

Kanske också vad jag kan göra för ny tävling ? isåfall vad ska den gå ut på :D ?

2010-04-21 @ 22:58:46
Postat av: I <3 MILEY RAY CYRUS

sv: aa tycker jag med! :D

2010-04-22 @ 12:52:01

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