Taylor Lautner "As long as she likes werewolfs we're cool"

Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson says what they think about Miley hating vampires

This was Robert idea to make Miley to a twi-fan:
"It's so obvious—just watch Eclipse."

Taylor has something else to say about that:
She doesn't need to like vampires," he said. "As long as she likes werewolves, we're cool"

Kristen also had her opinion:

"She does?" Stewart asked wide-eyed when we broke the sad news to her. "Is she scared of them or does she just not like them?"
Whatever the reason, Stewart said, "I don't think you should convince people of something if they already have their way of thinking about. Whatever—if she hates vampires, that's cool."

So now you know that the twi-cast are ok with Miley hating vampires

Postat av: Helena

haha ja gud det blev verkligen prat när hon sa att hon inte gillade twilight.. eller sa hon att hon inte gillade vampyrer. Anyways.. haha det är väl många som inte låtit sig dras med i hysterin. Allt ska bli sån himla big deal ^^ Åh vilken tur att Kristen Stewart säger att de e ok liksom :P Nu kan Miley slappna av haha.. Ok jag är klar nu haha. Så bra blogg =D Byee

2010-06-27 @ 09:35:56
URL: http://charmingdevil.blogg.se/
Postat av: nada

haha!!!☺ det va kul att läsa♥♥♥

/många kramizzzar från mig♥

2010-06-27 @ 12:54:34
URL: http://twilightalskaren.webblogg.se/

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