Miley Cyrus ska, enligt en hollywood reporter vara med i filmen 'Wake' som är baserad på thrillern av Lisa McMann. Filmen handlar om Jane, 17, som har förmågan att sugas in i folks drömmar. Hon ser saker hon inte vill se. sedan dras hon in i en hemsk mardröm och Jane går från äkta vittne till deltagare...
Tish kommer att vara medverkandeproducent.
Miley Cyrus are, according to a reporter, participate in the movie 'Wake that is based on the thriller-novell by Lisa McMann. The movie is about a girl named Jane who's 17. She has the ability to get sucked into peoples dreams. She see's things that see don't want to see- One day she get pulled in to a terrible nightmare and Jane goes from mere witness to a participate...
Tish vill be a co-producer.
I hope this rumor is true, don't you?
sv: ja eller hur.
Skulle va asbra":D