‘I would probably tell myself, ‘Know you are going to have to listen to yourself talk A LOT. I listen to interviews sometimes and say to myself, ‘Miley, what were you thinking? I was probably thinking about something else and on cruise control, and I realize that I never answered the question. ‘Stay focused,’ I would tell myself.’
About Hannah Montana:
‘We want to celebrate it by giving it a really great ending. There have been so many Disney shows and no many of them have great endings. Our show really deserves a big ending because it was the beginning of so many great things for Disney. High School Musical and Hannah Montana really gave Disney Channel the opportunity to move into music organically. I think having a start and a finish to our show will be really cool.
I promised that on the last day all of my directors and producers would wear the Hannah wig. They would always tell me, ‘Stop complaining about the wig. You only have to wear it for twenty minutes today!’ Meanwhile, I’m thinking to myself, ‘YOU don’t have to pull all of your hair up in there and it hurts!’
So I promised I’m going to pin curl their hair and we are going to glue on the wig and they all have to wear the wig all day, all of them! We are also going to make them wear heels, dress as Hannah, and they can’t eat all day because it might ruins their Hannah lipstick!’Here is a new pic of Miley
Sv: Tack så jätte mycket! Brandie är bäst på att göra designes :)
sv: japp, hon är alltid söt :p.
Jätte fin blogg du har
verkligen en fin bild på miley :)
S V A R: Tack!
Ja vi kan väll blogg länka;)
Jag lägger till dej nu ja och gör det du med;)
Va kul att du kommentera min blogg för jag älskar mileys musik !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sv: okej ;D
SV: Ja det kan vi göra :) . Säg till när du lagt till mig så lägger jag till dig :)
sv; visst äger det!!:D fin blogg om miley :D
Hon är såå bra på att sjunga !
Snugg ny header (I like it) :P
(Sorry att jag inte har svarat på kommentarer har ju varit i Tunisien)
Sv: Hoppas du får en lika bra resa som mig då :D
Vilken hotell i Tunisien ska ni bo på då?? :)
tack så mycket, detsamma!
jag är också ett stort fan av Miley Cyrus :)
- tackar:)
SV: Vad bra, Har lagt til dig nu också :)