The Graham Norton Show preview

Miley. Well don't know what too say about this clip.


You found love in this fim didn't you?

Miley gör tummen upp
"Yeah, A bless. I actuallu got flowers in to my hotel this morning and I was really excited, it was really sweet.  This is the first time he really sent me flowers on the road. And it's really cool that you can work with someone that you like and he too has ads and thats nice too.

His name is Liam Hemsworth and he used to be in "Home and away", Right?

Yeah, but I've never seen it so...

Ok, but he has never seen Hannah Montana is that right?

Yeah, I have never seen his show either. I think It was good that he hadn't pictures like "The disney" and he was ready too work with someone that was excited about a new movie´, instead of just thinking like 'Oh no, here is someone who thinks she is going to be a real actress and not work out', so that was good.

Was your first kiss the one on the screen?

Yeah, which was sprung on us, beacause on the script it said 'Miley and Liam frolic on the beach'. And I was like 'Ok, I can frolic, thats fine'. So i decided to go on too my frolicing-ness and they started yelling like "Make out",  and I'm like 'Okay!' So I'm like jumping, redy to go and then I'm like ' Wait what did ya say?' You know, cause I can't be the one thats like... COME ON! So our first scen was actually the first day so our anniversary's comming up and then I was like ' Yupp, he is awesome'.

You are turning 18

I'm getting really nervous

Do you think... waiting is bad?

Miley ser äcklad ut
"Oh, no!

Come on, not a little? Then you can frolic

Not a little. Yeah, then I can frolic all the time.

I think he don't mind as well, it's as good as it's gonna get

Don't tell me that!

Seriously, It will never be better than this, marry this one!
En annan kille: Well unfortunately I think it's up to him to ask her right?

YEAH! I want a ring, and like the big one.

Yeah Liam, She got flowers! Where's the rock!? Exciting then when you'll get married cause then we'll know that it all started here.

Yeah... You have too call him and tell him what too buy cause his taste is a little odd...


I don't like it when... I have a poblem with people that wear trunks when they're not going to the beach. And he is constantly in surf-trunks and I don't walk around in bikini as much as you wish I would.

He is austrailian...

Yeah, and my best friend is gay, which doesn't help very much since he's always decked out really hot and then I see my boyfrind and I'm like ' I kinda wan't that one. Even tho you don't like me I like you.

That one comes for free.

Yeah, but he's much more cuter and way more fun and wants to do everything I wanna do so that's the diffrent.

That's why often young girls gets confused

Yes, people give me looks, and me and my best friend talk about it, cause people are like 'Oh, how sad, that girl doesn't know her boyfriend is gay.' But we are just holding hands!

I REALLY  dont like the anchorman in this interweiw!


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